Cobourg - great to see Sean and great town!
On June 12th, we headed to Cobourg for the weekend. The bus was ready for another short trip and so the 1.75 hour drive was just right. We arrived at the Victoria Park Trailer Campground mid-afternoon and got set up after some wiggling around to get the RV aligned in our spot. We then awaited the arrival of Dan and Anne, our friends from Kingston who have travelled with us in the past in the old bus. This was their first stay in the new bus and our first overnight visitors.
Not long after we arrived at the Park, we walked over to the Coast Guard Station where Sean, John's nephew, has been working for the past few years. After seeing his workplace, I must use the term 'working' very loosely. While I agree he is 'on call' for 24/7 over the two weeks he is assigned to Cobourg, let me paint a visual of his 'workplace'. I trust you can then understand why he likes his work so much:
- one large, very well-maintained government dock laden with marine equipment
- two vessels moored to the dock (Cape Mercy and a tough-looking zodiac with a pair of 150 hp o/bs - both loaded with safety equipment)
- all the tools a marine engineer (such as Sean) would need or could want
- room and board (Sean's room is on the SW corner of the Coast Guard house - his windows face Lake Ontario. He also says the meals are great)
- a small one-car garage (big enough for small engine repairs and maintenance)
- an office (Sean's computer desk was neat as a pin) and an attached workshop
- one full-sized truck and hauling trailer
- a parking space right in front of the Coast Guard house for his VW bus and
- a view of the loveliest sand beach covered with bathing beauties throughout the summer months!
A word or two about Cobourg... the town manages the RV park which is small and clean with the regular rules to keep everyone in order! There are plenty of seasonal spots - just so you know, the waiting list is 10 years for the spots that face the beach (by the way, this is the same beach that Sean faces)! The downtown was active that weekend with the Buskers performing their antics in the street and the Pet Parade was terrific with some innovative costumes indeed! Anne and I found the shops on the main street eclectic and the food was VERY good in one of the restaurants - we ended up there twice! Not that we're food gurus but I recommend you stay clear of the Chinese place on the main street.
And mega-thanx to Dan and Anne for testing out the mattress(es) on the RV's roll-away couch! They tried a different mattress option each night and their eyelids on Sunday morning confirmed their ability to sleep was crappy (my word) at best over the two-night period. Yet again, they proved they are troopers. However, once they got home on Sunday, I'm sure they napped VERY well in the afternoon and slept VERY well that night!
We're off to the 1000 Islands KOA next weekend for a few days. Tune in thereafter for some news on that trip... m.
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